Test je Engels

Wat pakken we aan tijdens je Engelse les? Test het niveau van je Engels aan de hand van tien korte vragen. De meest voorkomende valkuilen komen aan bod. De test is vrijblijvend en anoniem, kan in vijf minuten worden voltooid en uw resultaten zijn direct zichtbaar. Succes!


English quiz

How's your English?

1 / 10

2 / 10

Which answer correctly completes the following statement: In English, the 'a' in 'I have been working' when not stressed sounds like:

3 / 10

You are proud of the new product you are going to present for your company. Which sentence would you use?

4 / 10

How would you tell someone where you were born? Choose a sentence:

5 / 10

Choose the best sentence to boast or moan about how long you have been working on something:

6 / 10

Sales are going well! Choose the correct sentence to boast about your sales:

7 / 10

You hope to win a competition tomorrow. What's the best sentence to tell us what may happen?

8 / 10

Which expression is correct?

9 / 10

You are working at your English but the kids are making too much noise in the background. How do you ask them to be quiet?

10 / 10

The ‘s’ in the word 'rooms' sounds rather like

Je score is

Kijk ook nog eens naar de Europeese referentiekader voor talen .. zo kun je inschatten wat je niveau Engels is!

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